Efficiency & Automation
Discover how Embark EMR enhances your practice’s efficiency and automates routine tasks, allowing you to focus more on client care and less on paperwork.
Goal Bank
Maximize efficiency with our Client Goal Bank, where you can save and reuse client goals, streamlining your planning process and ensuring consistent care without the need to recreate goals from scratch.
Load Previous Note
Streamline your documentation process with ‘Load Previous Note’, which allows therapists to quickly import content from prior appointments, ensuring continuity and saving valuable time.
Prior Authorization Tracking
Effortlessly manage and track your clients’ prior authorization status with our automated feature that aggregates and monitors the remaining number of sessions or units authorized, ensuring compliance and streamlined billing processes.
Automated Reminders
Appointment reminders are quickly configured and automatically notify your client of their session 1, 2, or 3 times!
Instantly see upcoming appointments, notes needing completion, upcoming expiring evaluations and plan of cares, and many more right when you log in for maximum decision support.
Decisions at Your Fingertips
Quickly see detail around appointment status and note status, then instantly open your note right from the calendar
Client Goal Bank
The Goal Bank is an innovative feature designed to enhance efficiency and consistency across client care within our platform. By allowing users to store, manage, and reuse predefined client goals, the Goal Bank eliminates the repetitive task of writing new goals for each client session. This tool not only saves valuable time but also promotes standardization in treatment planning. Users can quickly access a repository of goals, tailored to various therapeutic needs and interventions, and easily apply them to any client’s treatment plan. Whether updating individual care strategies or setting new benchmarks, the Goal Bank provides a robust foundation for delivering high-quality, personalized care with reduced administrative overhead

Cut Note Writing Time by Reusing Old Notes
The “Load Previous Note” feature in Embark EMR is a powerful tool designed to enhance documentation efficiency for therapists. By allowing users to select and import content from notes of previous sessions, this feature eliminates the need to start each new document from scratch, thereby reducing redundancy and ensuring consistency in patient records. Therapists can easily carry over relevant details and treatment progress, which is particularly useful for ongoing cases where continuity in documentation is crucial. This not only saves time but also helps maintain a high standard of accuracy and completeness in clinical records, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care and less on administrative tasks.